The assistance should continue
Ekostraż is a non-governmental organization OPP (public benefit organization) and a rehabilitation center for small protected animals. We have been operating continuously since 2009. We help domestic, wild and free-living animals – in Lower Silesia and beyond. All animals can find help here, regardless of their usefulness to humans. Dogs, cats, domestic rodents, but also raccoon dogs, birds, and wild small mammals come here. A special element of our activity is helping hedgehogs. Since the beginning of the organization’s existence, we have been running a program of humanitarian protection of hedgehogs.

MOVA – Language without barriers was founded by several friends from Ukraine, Kurdistan, Afghanistan and Poland in 2022. Our main goal is to provide migrants and refugees with direct linguistic aid.
Home – English

Formerly the Heroes of Maidan Initiative with headquarters in Warsaw.
Since 2014, they have been working for the children and families of Ukrainian soldiers and volunteers who died, were injured, or are still fighting to defend their homeland.
They work with hundreds of volunteers around the world, as well as with state organizations in Poland and Ukraine.
Their database includes children from all regions of Ukraine, from newborns to 18 years of age. We update the database every year in cooperation with organizations, the military, and volunteers in Ukraine.

The Generation to Generation Foundation, whose wards are beneficiaries of the ‘Korczak Generations Scholarship Program.The foundation’s wards mainly consist of residents of two Warsaw orphanages, founded and run by the eminent creator of modern pedagogical theories, Polish-Jewish physician and social activist, Dr. Janusz Korczak. The ‘Korczak Generations’ scholarship program is a living monument to Dr. Korczak, who perished with his charges in the Nazi extermination camp of Treblinka, becoming a symbol of respect and love for children and a testament to the dramatic consequences of passivity in the face of hatred, xenophobia, racism, and war.

In response to the needs of Polish women in Belgium, a group of psychologists, lawyers and social workers created the Elles pour Elles anti-violence platform in January 2020. The project currently runs under the auspices of the Trampoline association.
Why did we create Elles pour Elles?
Violence can take various shapes and coping with it is even more challenging when living abroad. Our goal is to provide assistance to Polish women living in Belgium who want to break free from the cycle of domestic violence. We want every Polish woman living in Belgium to be aware of the existence of Elles pour Elles.
Who do we support?
Polish women living in Belgium who experience domestic violence. They are far from their families and friends and they struggle with the language and cultural barriers. They are economically and psychologically dependent on their violent partner, who often deliberately isolates and intimidates them. They do not always know where to seek help. We want to be there for them and show them that they are not alone and that they can take back control over their lives.
What are our main forms of action?
Hotline +32 466 901 702 with free psychological and legal advice – email address to contact us One-to-one psychological counselling Individual legal advice Women’s circles– support groups in which women can exchange about their emotions, problems, experiences, and ways out of violence Webinars, workshops, website, Facebook, articles in the local press Establishing cooperation with local organizations and institutions fighting against domestic violence.

On the initiative of the Policultura Association, the leading project of the Polish University of Three Generations was created in partnership with Humboldt University, the Slavic Studies Department, and the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Poland (ZIP) at the European University Viadrina.
One of the project’s goals is to familiarize audiences without regular contact with Poland with the realities of contemporary Poland through meetings with scientists, artists, and prominent figures shaping public opinion in Poland. This attractive offer of educational meetings is primarily aimed at the large Polish diaspora, as well as all Berlin residents interested in the proposed topics and Slavic studies students.
Lectures are simultaneously translated into German. The idea of establishing the UTP is a voice in the public discussion about Polish emigration in Germany, referred to as “invisible emigration.” It is intended to be a testimony to the active contribution of the community with Polish roots to the cultural and intellectual life of the German capital and is intended, among other things, to ensure that the Polish language becomes more prominent in Berlin’s public space.