Kateryna Hotsuliak, an artist and restorer, art teacher and master of vytynanky (Slavic folk art of papercutting).She received her education at the Kamianets-Podilskyi National University named after Ivan Ohienko, specializing in oil painting and art restoration. She has a master’s degree in art teaching.She has a good command of many graphic, painting and decorative techniques. She constantly does creative work – with the use of oil, acrylic and watercolour paints as well as oil pastels. Extremely fond of the vytynanky technique. In 2022, she held her first personal exhibition of vytynanky in Krakow (Poland) under the title “I’ll hide under a stork’s wing…”. In 2023, she managed to carry out a project entitled “the Ukrainian Garden”, a display of vytynanky and paintings. She actively engages in activities related to exhibitions; she has participated in numerous collective exhibitions on the territory of Ukraine, Poland, USA and Japan. In 2022, the President of Ukraine granted her a bursary for young folk-art crafters.